Monday, August 12, 2013


We are starting to sort of settle down into a summer routine.  Part of the routine is . . . Davis crawling!

We went to the cabin for the weekend, which was blissful and wonderful.  We put Davis in the new baby carrier.  After trying out Timpanogos Cave, Chris said that a new baby carrier was necessary for our future happiness.  So, we loaded up Davis . . .
 And went for a walk around the island . . .
Towards the middle of our walk, he fell asleep . . .
 Fast asleep . . .
 After we got home, he had something to eat, and put a Cheerio in his hair.  It is taking a LOT of practice to help this kid understand that he can feed himself.  Right now, he just partly understands that he can actually pick Cheerios up.  Which is better than what he could do before, which was make them bounce on his high chair.
 And a shot with Mommy--just to prove that I went on this trip too!

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