Monday, July 9, 2012

20 weeks!

I am HALFWAY there!  I reached the 20 week mark a week ago tomorrow!  And, today, we went in for the "BIG ULTRASOUND" to see how it is all going!

Good news--everything is going sooooo well!  He is perfect in every way!

Here are some pictures of Davis:
 Here he is, smiling for us!  We also saw him sucking his thumb.  So darling!
 Still a boy!
 You can see his face and his arm in this picture
A pretty good picture of the right leg.

We found out that the reason that I haven't felt much kicking from Davis is that my placenta is kind of blocking it.  They promised that it would come when he gets a little bigger, and it is no reason to worry!  He is now almost a pound--15 ounces!

Here I am on the day that I became 20 weeks pregnant:
We are pretty excited!


  1. I had an anterior placenta and by about 28 weeks you could see and feel everything from the outside, so don't fret, I'm sure you will be able to as well!
