Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy President's Day and Valentine's Day

It is our family tradition to get together with my cousins for the President's Day weekend.  They are sweet enough to drive all the way from Washington, and we have a blast together!  They have been doing it for almost 10 years!  Oddar used to come with her roommate, but now comes with her husband and her sister.  We make it a point to get together every year at this time.  This year, it was very special, because Taylor and Katie brought their kids!  Playing with little nieces and nephews is really so much fun!  Charlie was only 3 weeks old, so we could just hold him while he slept and the other kids ran around!

This is what we did for most of the weekend--played with the kids!

Grandpa holding Charlie

Anna in the pajamas that Heather made from her clothes.
Anna lost her pajamas, which were later found behind the crib.

Grandpa talking to Anna

Mom holding Charlie
The reason that we went home, instead of the usual Island Park, was that Casey had a basketball tournament that he had to go to.  His team became the District champions!  Yay, Casey!

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