Thursday, December 12, 2019

Happy birthday, Davis

It was Davis's birthday on November 20th! He is 7 years old! How did that happen??!!

Because life is crazy, we had his birthday sandwiched in between a trip to Phoenix for Mom and Dad and a trip to Chicago as a family. Both trips were lots of fun, but that's a different post. Anyway, we had a birthday party with family on the evening of his birthday, and a birthday party with friends on Friday.

Things I want to remember about Davis when he turned 7:
  • He is the NICEST kid ever. He is a great friend, and a fabulous big brother. He honestly has always been nice.
  • He is such a good reader! It is amazing the words this kid can read! And he loves it!
  • He loves LEGOs and superheroes. Superhero LEGOs are the very best in the entire world.
  • He has a bunk bed in his room, and loves sleeping on the top bunk. It's awesome.
  • Clothes and food are usually just something that need to happen in order to exist. They are not a priority at all.
We love 7 year old Davis! He is getting baptized NEXT YEAR! Wow!

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