We had our 18 month check-up today. We were going to do it last week, but ended up having tubes put in that day instead! Here are his stats:
- Weight: 26 pounds 8 ounces
- Height: 33 inches
- Head circumference: 20 inches--that is in the 98.98 percentile!
Things I want to remember about Davis at 18 months:
- He is usually a very happy guy.
- He has jobs that need to be done every day: emptying out the toy box, and more importantly, the tupperware cupboard. This needs to be done every. single. day.
- He eats pretty much anything. He lets me know when he wants "mo, mo, mo," which can either mean that he wants more or is done. When he does NOT want any more of the food I am about to give him, he pushes it away.
- He loves to imitate any word that we say.
- When he is about to get in trouble, he says, "Baby!" because he knows that he won't get in as bad of trouble for saying that.
- He only drinks water from a Camelbak water bottle. He has a certain kind of sippy cup that he will drink milk from.
- He LOVES books, and will bring one to me and sit on my lap any chance he can get. He likes board books better than real pages. His favorites are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?" and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." He is just like his mommy when she was his age!
We went to visit my mom's parents graves the day before Memorial Day. Here are some pictures!
How can you not love this boy?
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